Welcome to HomeForChange!

We're thrilled to partner with Friends Forever, A Cat Sanctuary! You work hard to do good and we want to help you get the funding you deserve.

Here's how it works. When a home buyer or seller signs up through our website they select the nonprofit group that they want to support.

Next, we put the home buyer or seller in touch with one of our partner realtors. If the home sale or purchase is finalized through the realtor we put them in touch with, that realtor will donate 5% of their net commission to YOU!

Invite people to participate in the program today! It's easy and takes just a few minutes.

Email a link to HomeForChange to your clients, volunteers, donors, board members and other stake holders. It's that easy! You can say something like “We are excited to announce that we are now a member of homeforchange.com! If you are considering buying or selling a home, please visit this website to select a realtor that will donate money to our cause.”


Other exposure ideas

Email signature or auto-response

Buying or selling a house? Visit homeforchange.com to be put in touch with a Realtor who will donate a percentage of their commission to our cause! 

Include the link in your email newsletter: homeforchange.com

Include the link on your website: homeforchange.com

Add the link to your Facebook page: homeforchange.com

Tweet about it! @home_for_change

All you have to do to participate is maintain your 501(c)3 standing in good status and keep your registration on Benevity.org up to date.

If you aren't yet registered on Benevity.org, you can register at http://www.benevity.com/register/

If you have questions about getting started, feel free to contact us at info@homeforchange.com

Happy fundraising!

The Home For Change Team


Facebook @homeforchange2

Twitter @home_for_change